The Library of Congress Control Number

Once you have your ISBN numbers in hand you can apply for a Library of Congress Control Number. The process is quick and easy, and it begins with an online visit to

The initial information you’ll have to submit concerns your name, email address, phone number, publishing house, and other basic information. Your application submission should get a prompt email reply stating: “We have received your request to participate in the Preassigned Control Number (PCN) program.”

In my case, the US Copyright Office very quickly provided me with the account number and a temporary password, so I was immediately able to log into the account and provide all of the required information concerning myself as well as my book. After submitting this information I then got an email notification advising that my submission “was successfully transmitted to the Library of Congress.”

After only two to three business days, I got my Library of Congress Control Number.

I next sent a copy of my book’s full text, artwork and illustrations to the Library of Congress.

It’s important to note that you’ll need to apply to the US Copyright Office for a LCCN well in advance of printing your book, because it must appear on the copyright page of your book. I applied two months before my projected printing date, and as mentioned I got the number rapidly.

Tools for Self Publishing, Easy to Print Publishing, Karen Ashram

My Books

My books will be a joyful learning experience for your child with a greater appreciation of nature.

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